Writing about Mary in a Pandemic
With the prevailing health situation, so much has changed for so many of us, worldwide.
For many of the writers I know, no matter where they live on this globe, this extra time has been helpful in moving their projects forward and that’s how it has been for me. I spend many hours a day writing in my study.
Writing this 1900s historical novel about Mary Flynn during a pandemic has offered extra insight into a few of the vignettes I have heard about during interviews with those who knew her. Memories from the days of the Great Depression and the Second World War are poignant:
* Around 1930, Mary broke a house’s quarantine barrier during the Great Depression to bring a large impoverished family some toys and food at Christmas. One of the little girls in this family, now 91, recalls her delight and still refers to Mary as her Santa Claus.
* Relief payments during the Great Depression, often called dole, was a small amount of Government support distributed to folks who needed it. A typical ration might include flour, split peas and cocoa , which many of us also purchased in March 2020! Mary, in the ‘30s would often share her relief supply with others in greater need.
* Mary’s relentless leadership with the Pembroke Chapter of the Canadian Red Cross helped generate much needed funds. Her selfless work led to a citation in 1944 from The Government of Canada for contributions to the war effort. Today with Covid-19, we see that same dedication from gracious people in our societies doing whatever they can to help those effected by the virus— the sick, homeless and unemployed.
To get a thorough understanding of the times from 1914 to 1945, I thought I would delve into research and read many accounts of these historical times. Never had I expected to receive even a small first hand understanding.
Katherine Koller: Generous Again
Katherine Koller is always generous with her time and knowledge.
In the photo below, Author Katherine Koller holds my signed copy of her book, Art Lessons. We met in Vancouver at the Canadian Author’s Association conference, May 2019, where she reviewed the first ten pages of my manuscript. After providing me with very useful feedback I heard from her two weeks later via Twitter. She had a short layover in my city enroute to Halifax and suggested we meet at the Ottawa airport between flights to continue the conversation about my book! How very kind!
Last week, while I was in Edmonton, her home city, we met up once again and I received a signed copy of her latest book, Winning Chance. I was also the recipient of even more helpful advice for which I am grateful.
First Vancouver, then Ottawa, and most recently Edmonton- I wonder where we will meet up next?
May 2019 at the Canadian Authors Association Conference
How the Book Idea Took Root
In the Spring of 2018, Dr. Anna Rumin’s memoir course called Remembering Through Others was the very first time I identified my great-aunt, Mary Loretto, as being an influencer in my own life. She was long deceased and it surprised me when her name popped into my mind as I created my list of VIPs. A number of coincidental events, people and activities followed shortly thereafter leading me to the writing of Ordinary Mary.
Here is an article written by Arlene Smith and published in the Canadian Authors Association’s newsletter, Byline, in the Autumn of 2018. Arlene Smith describes many of the serendipitous events that followed Anna Rumin’s course.
Used with permission by Arlene Smith and the Canadian Authors Association.
Education and Experience
Kit Flynn: Profile
Writing is my passion. I make sense of the world by writing about it and always have. From my first journal in 1971 at the age of 13, I was hooked on creative writing and poetry. I’ve self-published stories in a four volume Anthology collection, chapbooks, published articles in the local and national newspapers and now I am writing the book, Ordinary Mary.
Memberships, Accomplishments and Experience:
Canadian Author Association, Writing Group Facilitator, Ottawa ON- 2016 - Present
Canadian Author Association Member, 2010 - Present
Member of The Creative Academy, Vancouver, British Columbia 2019 - Present
Member of The Ottawa Story Tellers (TOSS) Ottawa, Ontario 2006-2010
Completed courses:
Remembering Through Others, Dr. Anna Rumin, Glebe, 2018
Remembering Through The Personal Journal, Dr. Anna Rumin, Glebe, 2018
Remembering Through Travel, Dr Anna Rumin, Glebe, 2017
Remembering Through Reading, Dr Anna Rumin, Glebe, 2017
Life Writing Workshop, Martha Musgrove, University of Ottawa, January 2017
Memoir Workshop, Gail Taylor, November 2014
Non-Fiction Workshop, Rick Taylor, 2012
Just for Writers, Susan Jennings, June 2009
Writing 101, Algonquin College, 2010
Online Course Completions:
Writing Non-Fiction, The Great Courses 2014
One Word at a Time, Andrew Jobling, Australia, 2013
Conferences Attended:
The Writers Digest Conference, New York City, NY 2012
The Canadian Author’s Summit, Toronto, ON 2017 and 2018
CanWrite! 2019, Vancouver, BC, May 2019
Owner, Kit Flynn & Associates, Ottawa, Ontario 2007 - Present
Personal Fitness Training for 50 Plus
Post-Secondary Education:
Saint Paul’s University, CICR Certificate in Conflict Resolution, 2003
University of Regina, Bachelor of Business Administration, 1978-1980
University of Alberta, Honours Arts, 1976-1978