Writer and Biographer
Hello, my name is Kit Flynn.
Welcome to my website.
I am a writer living in Ottawa, Canada.
Writing the book, Ordinary Mary, is my passion and has filled my life with unexpected surprises. My blog documents the story behind the story.
Ordinary Mary is a lively narrative non-fiction book on the life and times of Mary Loretto Flynn (1904-1977). After her difficult childhood in Ottawa, Mary’s family moved to Pembroke, Ontario where, despite her best attempt to be ordinary, she had an extraordinary effect on thousands.
History’s account of strong women in her time is sorely lacking. Today she is a proto-feminist. In the 1900s, Mary was a woman with power and influence helping both boys and girls to witness female potential. Today, these people are grandparents and great grandparents and continue to pass along the benefits of their enlightenment.
Mary was also a Great Aunt of mine whom I had never had the pleasure of knowing.
My blog will help you peer behind the scenes of writing this book. Enjoy a glimpse into the making of Ordinary Mary and see the many photos and articles not included in the book.
Sign up for the Ordinary Mary newsletter to be the first to know when the book is available, and the related book launch information. In the meantime, follow the creation of the book here.
Do you have memories, stories, or photos of Mary Loretto Flynn? If so, I’d love to connect with you. Please email me at Kit@KitFlynn.ca.
Happy reading!