Writing about Mary in a Pandemic
With the prevailing health situation, so much has changed for so many of us, worldwide.
For many of the writers I know, no matter where they live on this globe, this extra time has been helpful in moving their projects forward and that’s how it has been for me. I spend many hours a day writing in my study.
Writing this 1900s historical novel about Mary Flynn during a pandemic has offered extra insight into a few of the vignettes I have heard about during interviews with those who knew her. Memories from the days of the Great Depression and the Second World War are poignant:
* Around 1930, Mary broke a house’s quarantine barrier during the Great Depression to bring a large impoverished family some toys and food at Christmas. One of the little girls in this family, now 91, recalls her delight and still refers to Mary as her Santa Claus.
* Relief payments during the Great Depression, often called dole, was a small amount of Government support distributed to folks who needed it. A typical ration might include flour, split peas and cocoa , which many of us also purchased in March 2020! Mary, in the ‘30s would often share her relief supply with others in greater need.
* Mary’s relentless leadership with the Pembroke Chapter of the Canadian Red Cross helped generate much needed funds. Her selfless work led to a citation in 1944 from The Government of Canada for contributions to the war effort. Today with Covid-19, we see that same dedication from gracious people in our societies doing whatever they can to help those effected by the virus— the sick, homeless and unemployed.
To get a thorough understanding of the times from 1914 to 1945, I thought I would delve into research and read many accounts of these historical times. Never had I expected to receive even a small first hand understanding.