Katherine Koller: Generous Again

Katherine Koller is always generous with her time and knowledge.

In the photo below, Author Katherine Koller holds my signed copy of her book, Art Lessons. We met in Vancouver at the Canadian Author’s Association conference, May 2019, where she reviewed the first ten pages of my manuscript. After providing me with very useful feedback I heard from her two weeks later via Twitter. She had a short layover in my city enroute to Halifax and suggested we meet at the Ottawa airport between flights to continue the conversation about my book! How very kind!

Last week, while I was in Edmonton, her home city, we met up once again and I received a signed copy of her latest book, Winning Chance. I was also the recipient of even more helpful advice for which I am grateful.

First Vancouver, then Ottawa, and most recently Edmonton- I wonder where we will meet up next?

May 2019 at the Canadian Authors Association Conference

May 2019 at the Canadian Authors Association Conference


Writing about Mary in a Pandemic


How the Book Idea Took Root