Ordinary Mary - EXTRAS! Kit Flynn Ordinary Mary - EXTRAS! Kit Flynn

Mary’s beloved Cathedral School

Mary Flynn taught at Cathedral School in Pembroke, Ontario from September 1927 to June 1966. That is 40 calendar years and 39 school years!

She taught all grades, but liked teaching the nine-year-olds in Grade 4 the most.


I’ve interviewed many past students of Cathedral School during Mary Flynn’s time. I have been fortunate to hear the heartfelt memories of these now 60, 70, 80- and 90-year-olds and to learn about the effect Mary had on them.

Three of Miss Flynn’s former students gave me their Grade 4 report cards! What a treasure to see Mary’s lovely cursive and read her encouraging words!

Many reported their pure pleasure at being read aloud to by Miss Flynn in her engaging storytelling manner. This was a memory I heard over and over along with book titles including The Secret Garden, Huckleberry Finn, Mary Queen of Scots and the Bobbsey Twins. Many folks today accredit her for their lifelong love of reading. What a legacy!

Respecting the disabilities and range of differences between children—be they physical, intellectual or socio-economic was a value of Mary Flynn’s. She taught this by modelling her own attitudes and behaviour. The lesson was not lost on her students, proof being that 50 years later many remember and continue to live by these exact values.

Time and again I heard in conspiratorial whispers, “I felt I had a special place in Miss Flynn’s heart.” Beautiful.

In 1971, Mary retired from the Renfrew County Roman Catholic Separate School Board.

Mid 1970s, Mary and Dorothy, her sister, bought the house across the street from the school at 202 Isabella. I am thinking the sounds of the children playing at recess must have warmed her heart, especially during her dark days after her sister, Dori’s, death in 1975.

After Mary’s death in 1977, a year to the day later, on October 1, 1978, the library at Cathedral School was dedicated to her and named in her honour.

A memory cabinet containing a lifelong collection of awards, medals and citations along with her cookbook, plays and poetry lay honoured. It was a touching display, protected under glass.

What ever happened to the cabinet and its contents? No one knows for sure, but water damage from two school fires may have destroyed some of these items.


Mary Flynn and one of her classes in the 1950s or 1960s. Photo from Tim Houlihan.


Current day photos Cathedral school.

Mary Flynn’s house (current day photo) of 202 Isabella. She lived there from 1975-1977.

Mary Flynn’s house (current day photo) of 202 Isabella. She lived there from 1975-1977.

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